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EventsAir has default text that appears on websites, in apps and portals, and in emails. These might include generic labels, field names, descriptions, error messages etc.
You can change these within each individual site, app or portal. However, you can also change the default wording at a ‘whole application’ level (creating a new default language).
Creating another language in your Application Setup may literally be a different language (e.g. French, Japanese, Swahili, etc.); or you can use it to set your preferred wording of the existing English default text across all your events.
Once you’ve set up other languages here, it makes it easy to choose one when creating sites, apps, and emails (using the Localization tab).
Not all wording for a site or app/portal will be included in the Localization tab. You also need to check the Details and/or Content tabs to change some labels and wording.
Creating a new (or amended) default language in Application Setup
Creating a language makes it available across all your events. You can make it the default language for ALL your events, or just have it as an option whenever you’re creating apps, portals, sites, and emails.
NOTE: You can’t choose a default language per event; only a default language for your whole EventsAir application.
To change words/phrases
In Application Setup, under Language, use the + icon to create a new language – in our example below, we’re calling our new language “My Preferred English”.
If you wish, make it the Default language for all your events by ticking the “Default” box:
NOTE: You can't delete the default language. So if you want to delete a language that's currently the default, you first you need to make another language the default.
The texts you can change (override with your new versions) are listed under different tabs:
Interactive Sites); Merge Doc (emails); Attendee App; Organizer App; and App Store (various apps and portals – almost all can be changed here).
Again, not ALL text is changed here. Each site, app or portal may have other wording within the Details or Content tabs.
For example, the default password reset message for interactive sites is: “A password reset email will be sent to your inbox shortly.”
Let’s say you want to reword this on all your interactive sites to say: “Your password reset link is being emailed to you”
Use the Interactive Sites tab for your new 'language', and scroll down through all the options, or use the Category and/or Search fields at the top to find the phrase(s) you want to change:
Continuing our example, our ‘default language’ may also have preferred wording for a specific App or Portal, across all events.
So while we’re setting up this new language, under the “App Store” tab, we can select the name of the app or portal (in this case, the Reviewer Portal), then make the required change:
Because we made “My Preferred English” the default language for all events, these new phrases will appear in the appropriate places whenever a new event is created (including in Apps and Portals if we’ve specified this).
To create a whole other language
The process is similar if you often want to create sites, apps and emails in other languages – French, for example – but you don’t want to make this the default language for all your events.
For each phrase, label or word that typically occurs on your sites, emails, apps and portals, you can create a translation.
For example, when you add your new language, under the Interactive Sites tab in the Accommodation section, and you create French translations for each phrase, it might look something like this:
If you want ALL your events (right across your EventsAir application) to be in French, you’d make this the default language.
If not, you can use the steps below to easily set up emails, apps, portals and sites in French (or whatever languages you create).
Localization in each site, app, and/or portal
Online Panel – when you create interactive sites, Attendee Apps, Organizer Apps, or other apps/portals, you can make unique changes to the language for that site or app from the Details section.
To create a French registration site, for example. you'd first clone the English registration site:
Then, in the Details Tab, under Localization, select “Override App Default Language” and choose a Base Language (which you’ve created earlier in Application Setup):
You must click the “Reset” button to apply this change, and say “Yes” when asked to confirm.
The text you created when you set up the base language (in Application Setup) now appears on your new site wherever you’ve specified it should:
You can also see in the example that other items still appear in English on your interactive site. You need to adjust these too if you want them to appear in French. You can do this by adjusting components in the site builder to change the labels and/or descriptions. In some cases, such as for Accommodation, you should use the Details tab for that component to adjust wording.
As shown in the above example, if you intend to have multiple language sites for one event, you’ll also need to create multiple language descriptions for each hotel and ‘other language’ room types, because these descriptions are the same for your whole event.
The process is similar for Merge Docs, Attendee Apps, Organizer Apps, and other apps and portals [“App Store”].
First, in Application Setup, when you create another language, add translations for each phrase you want to change under the correct tab.
For example, if you want a French Attendee App, you should add French translations in the Attendee App tab.
Then in your event, use the same process you used for the Interactive (Registration) site to create a new French Attendee App (a clone of your English Attendee App).
In the App builder, under the Details Tab – Localization Tab:
Override App Default Language - tick to enable this feature
Base Language - choose the language for this Portal (e.g. French)
You must click the “Reset” button to apply this change, and say “Yes” when asked to confirm.
Phrases you changed in this app when setting up this language earlier (in Application Setup) will appear here now, and will be used in the App itself.
There are other wording changes (e.g. labels of components, Data Consent Policy) you'll also want to make if you're creating an Attendee App in other language. You should review how your app appears to an attendee to ensure you've renamed all the components properly.
Other ways to use Localization in sites, apps and portals
The Localization tab can be used to give alternative spellings or wording just for one event.
For example, your presentation authors may prefer the phrase “Closing Date” to “Close Date”.
For this, you don’t need to create another language in Application Setup. You can just go into the Details – Localization tab when creating your site (or merge doc, or app, or portal) and amend phrases as needed.
You still need to use the "Override App Default Language" checkbox, but you don't need to set a new base language if you're just changing a word here and there.
You can also change the names of labels within components in the drag-and-drop builder for registration sites and merge docs, and in the "Content"/HTML sections of apps/portals.
Remember to also check the Details tab for components such as Accommodation and Functions to see all wording.