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AIRCast Studio offers the following accessibility and interpretation options:
Language Interpretation
Video (Sign Language) Interpretation
Closed Captioning
NOTE: Closed Captioning is not supported if you're using RTMP streaming via AIRCast, or streaming via an A/V partner.
With these options, you can provide multiple interpretation and closed captioning options for any session delivered by AIRCast Studio.
Closed Captions are created for you automatically and your language interpreters can use the AIRCast Interpretation Studio to offer real-time audio and sign-language interpretation.
You need to also enable the relevant features in Presentations (Setup Panel).
Closed Captioning
Closed Captioning gives written captions for all audio dialogue provided in an AIRCast Studio session.
Captions are automatically provided for you, eliminating the need to license external closed captioning services. Closed captioned works for all content with audio, including speaker presentations and pre-recorded content.
Once enabled, attendees can turn on Closed Captioning and see a real-time caption of the audio track. This applies to both live presentations and audio from pre-recorded content.
Enabling Closed Captioning
To enable closed captioning in AIRCast Studio:
Navigate to the Agenda Panel.
Open the session that you wish to provide closed captioning for.
Open the OnAIR Tab.
In Delivery Mode, make sure AIRCast Studio is checked.
Under AIRCast Studio, check the box for Enable Closed Captioning.
How attendees access Closed Captioning
Attendees can switch on Closed Captioning and see a live caption display just by selecting the CC button directly below the presentation window. Options include:
Font Sizing - the plus or minus indicator on either side of the Font Size indicator will increase or decrease the font size in the closed caption display.
Caption Size and Position - resize and position the caption window as needed.
Caption Docking - undock your presentation window to move the closed captioning display to a small window that can be moved and positioned independently of the undocked video display.
Bilingual interpretation
In the Interpretation Studio, you can bring in multiple interpreters such as Spanish or French as well as sign language interpreters.
There may also be times where you have one interpreter but they can speak multiple languages. With Bilingual Interpretation, your single interpreter can switch between two languages during the same session.
For example, you may have two corporate CEOs presenting directly after one another: the first in English, and the second in German. Your interpreter could provide a German translation for the first presenter and then switch to an English interpretation for the second presenter. This way, attendees who select German will hear the correct audio as will your English-speaking attendees.
This is set up when you are create your Interpreter Roles for the session. You can select multiple languages in the role setup, and when the Interpreter is in the Interpretation Studio, they'll see the available language channels in their Interpretation window.
As the presenters change, your interpreter can instantly switch languages, speaking only to one of the channels. Your attendees will be able to hear either the primary audio of the session or the active interpretation channel.
Multiple interpreters
Multiple interpreters can be active in the Interpretation Studio at the same time, and both be live during the presentation.
Interpreters can switch back and forth between different language channels and can choose to unmute at any time.
This gives event managers greater flexibility in both staffing interpreters and how your interpretation team interacts during the session.
By default, interpreters will be muted, and their broadcast window will display all active interpreters assigned to a specific role.