The Hotel Room Availability App allows you to easily see room availability across multiple hotels (based on different search criteria), and then email the information to interested groups of attendees or group organizers. |
There are many ways to use this app:
Search for availability based on different search filters.
See available rooms at each hotel in your room block for specific date ranges.
Select rooms to include in email communications to your group coordinators or other interested parties.
See a room availability matrix in real time.
Create additional tabs such as hotel details, room booking links and more.
Setting up the Hotel Room Availability App
As for all apps/portals, you need to set up a name, Alias (URL), brand, live dates, and messaging for before and after the app is live. Read this article for more information.
Changing the wording in the app/portal
Changes made to the default language in Application Settings will affect all events. However, you can still make unique local changes for each portal in each event in the Portal Setup. Read more about Localization.
Content - Hotel Room Availability App
BCC Emails To - enter your BCC email address here. This address receives a Blind Carbon Copy of each email sent out from the Hotel Room Availability app.
Default Subject - the default subject line for the email.
Message Brand - select any Brand you have set up for this event.
Communication Tag Code - this optional field lets you enter a communications tag, so you can search for, filter, and view these emails at a later time.
Enter the name of the Interactive Site you've created to collect New Contact details. You, as the event organizer, can create a new contact while using the app, and immediately send hotel availabilities to this contact.
Additional Pages
You can add up to three extra pages for any additional information you want to provide in the portal. Navigation Links and Text are also generated automatically.
Users Tab
In this tab, you set up who's allowed to access the app. To add a new user, click the plus sign next to App Users, and complete the fields below. When you've finished adding users, press Save.
Note: You must set up Users here before anyone can use this app.
Click on App Users to create a new user, then fill in the following:
Email Address
First Name
Last Name
User Type - (Leave as Basic - the default. No other user types for this app.)
User Level - (Leave as Standard - the default.)
Is Disabled - check this to disable the account, so the user cannot sign in.
Last Logon - shows the date and time this user last signed in.