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Menu Item List Reports (Bookings, Events and Invoices)
Menu Item List Reports (Bookings, Events and Invoices)
Updated over 11 months ago

The Menu Item List Reports display the Menu Items associated with your various Bookings/Accounts. This report exists in 3 formats: Bookings, Events and Invoices.

  • Menu Item List Report (Bookings): Shows a list of Menu Items attached to Bookings

  • Menu Item List Report (Events): Shows a list of Menu Items attached to Events

  • Menu Item List (Invoices): Shows a list of Menu Items attached to Invoices

In essence, these three reports behave in the same way. The core difference is that they automatically list the Booking/Event/Invoice associated with each item (depending on which report you run.) It is important to note that certain items may not appear on all three versions of this report. For example, an item may be linked to a Booking and an Event, but not be listed on an Invoice. As such, it will appear on the Booking & Event Versions of the report, but not the Invoice version.

The information displayed on the report can include but is not limited to, the Menu Description, Booking Date, Serving Time, Quantity, Unit Price, Line Item Total, and Tax Revenue per item.

How to Use The Menu Item List Report

  1. Click on Reports in the side navigation

  2. Click Menu Item List (Booking), Menu Item List (Event), or Menu Item List (Invoice) report

  3. Select Reporting Filters

  4. Add additional Columns

  5. Click Save View (Name Report)

  6. Export As CSV, HTML or PDF

Important Considerations

Exporting to HTML or PDF can include a Revenue Summary of all Menu Items in the filtered report. It's broken down by revenue category, taxes, fees and overall.

Exporting the Menu Items List Reports to CSV will allow you to filter columns by individual menu items.

Notes & Descriptions can often be very lengthy. To improve formatting when exporting to HTML or PDF, the notes & description columns are shown at the bottom of each entry as a separate row.

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