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Replace Exercise setting

Give clients permission to replace exercises when tracking their workouts

Long Nguyen avatar
Written by Long Nguyen
Updated over 6 months ago

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What is Replace Exercise?

Replace Exercise gives clients more flexibility in their workouts and allows them to personalize their training routine. This feature can be enabled or disabled for any client, at any time.

How can you enable it?

From the client overview, go into settings. From there you can turn on Allow client to replace exercise. You can also adjust the list of exercises your client will have access to.

Once the feature is enabled, you can adjust the exercise list that your clients can replace with

  1. Exercise from library

  • Your general exercise list

    You can customize this general exercise list by clicking the "View List" button.

    • There is a list of the default general exercises provided by Everfit.

    • You can add more exercises to this list from all existing exercises in your Exercise Library.

    • Or remove any exercise from this list if you don't want to keep it there.

    • You can add multiple exercises to the General Exercise List by selecting the checkboxes next to each exercise.

    • Additionally, you can sort the exercise list (by alphabetical or most recent), search the exercise by name, or preview exercises by clicking on each particular exercise

  • All exercises from your library

    • This option includes all exercises available in your library.

    • When you select it and save the settings, a confirmation pop-up will appear to confirm your choice.

    2. Exercises already tracked by the client

    • This includes all exercises that your clients have tracked in the past

What happens when the setting is enabled?

For the first time that the Replace Exercise is enabled, your clients will encounter an onboarding screen to explain the feature before they start a workout.

  • If they click on "Understand", the onboarding screen will be closed.

    • If you turn off then turn on the setting after that, this onboarding will show again the next time your clients start their workouts.

  • If they click on "Never show again", the onboarding screen will never show again in the future.

How can your clients replace exercises?

At the Section preview screen:

  1. Your clients can long-press on the exercise you want to replace to bring up the "Replace Exercise" option.

  2. Tap on the option will navigate to the corresponding screen to replace exercises.

  3. On the "Replace Exercises" screen, your clients can select the desired exercise from all available exercises.

  4. Tap the "Confirm" button to proceed with the change.

At the Exercise tracking screen:

  1. Your clients can tap the "..." button next to each exercise to bring up the "Replace Exercise" option.

  2. Tap on the option will navigate to the corresponding screen to replace exercises.

  3. On the "Replace Exercises" screen, your clients can select the desired exercise from all available exercises.

  4. Tap the "Confirm" button to proceed with the change.

    1. There will be an additional confirmation pop-up to notify your clients if there is a hidden exercise tracking field after replacing the current exercise with a new one.

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