Preparing your XPM account:
Before you can connect your XPM account to Everperform, you’ll need to ensure you have enabled ‘3rd Party Access’ for the user you’ll be connecting as. To do this:
Sign in to your Xero Practice Manager account.
Navigate to Business > Settings > Staff.
Select the staff member you will use to connect Xero Practice Manager to Everperform (this should ideally be the same user that is the admin in Everperform)
Ensure they have ‘Authorise 3rd Party Full Access’ checked
Hit Save to update the user’s settings.
Connecting your XPM account to Everperform
In Everperform, navigate to Settings > Integrations
Select XPM, and click ‘Connect to Xero’ at the bottom of the page.
Once you’ve clicked ‘Connect to Xero’, you’ll be taken to the Xero login page. Login to your account.
Once logged in you’ll be asked to give Everperform access to your XPM account. Click ‘Allow access’.
If successful, you’ll be redirected to Everperform and will see a ‘XPM Authorisation Successful’ message. Click ‘Return to XPM Settings’ to finish setting up the integration.
Select the time frame you wish to initially sync XPM data with Everperform, we suggest anywhere between 12 - 24 months. Once you’ve selected a time frame, click ‘Sync All’ and your data will start to be reconsiled in Everperform.
Note: This may take between 1 - 5 minutes to fully complete, depending on the time frame you’ve selected and how many users you have in XPM and Everperform.
You can now view your XPM data in your organisation’s measures, or for any users that have been synced between XPM and Everperform.