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Viewing your XPM data
Daniel Spitty avatar
Written by Daniel Spitty
Updated over a week ago

To begin viewing your XPM productivity data in Everperform navigate to the home/dashboard page then select the measures option from the left navigation bar.

Once you have navigated to the measures page, you will see a category named XPM Integration within which you will find the 7 productivity measures collected from XPM.

These measures are as follows

Active Jobs - Number of Jobs active on a given day (job.api/current)

Available Hours - Total number of Billable hours + Non-Billable hours on a given day

Leave Hours - Number of Hours assigned to jobs categorised as Leave

Non-Billable Hours - Total number of Hours assigned to Non-Billable Jobs/Tasks (does not include leave)

Productive Hours - Total number of Hours assigned to Billable Jobs/Tasks

Productivity % - A calculated measure showing:

Timesheet Hours - All hours:

These 7 Measures will be available and automatically updated for any user found in both your Everperform account and your XPM accounts.
​Organisational Measures
Also available through the XPM integration is organisational wide summaries of the above measures. These are accessible to any Everperform admins and can be found by selecting your company name - found under teams - on the left navigation bar (then navigating to measures if required).

Diving Deeper

Alongside viewing the XPM integration measures in table form, Everperform provides access to measure trends through the Measure Trends page.

By selecting Measure Trends from the Measures sub menu you will be navigated to a page containing graphs of each measure you have available (if the party you are viewing owns more than one measure category you may need to navigate to the XPM integration category by selecting the drop down menu at the top of the screen.)

Once you have located the XPM integration measures you are free to view and interact with the graphs as needed. You can also dive deeper into the measure by selecting it.

From here you can then update the time frame, compare to other measures, change graph type and more.

Graph Types:

Graph options are found in the top right corner of the page, and provide various views of the same data, giving you more insight into how things are progressing when compared to Last Year, other team members or your targets.

Progress Graph

Aggregate Graph by Selected Dates

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