Most likely! You can always check the discount you’ll receive for repaying your debt early in the Payment screen.
The discount you may receive will depend on the current utilization of the pool, as repaying early is equivalent to making a fixed deposit.
In this way, if the utilization of a pool increases, the new fixed deposit rate will increase. Since the fixed-rate borrowers are incentivized to bring back liquidity before the maturity date, you will get a discount on your interests.
For example, if your purchase generates a borrowing of $100 from a one-year fixed pool with a fixed interest rate of 5% APR (on the borrow), your debt will equal $105 at the due date.
Now, let's say that a few days later, you get a refund because you returned your purchase, and by that time, the fixed rate for depositing $100 (in the same fixed rate pool) increases to 5% APR; you would repay your whole debt ($105) before maturity without any extra cost since in this example, the present value of its total debt discounted at the new fixed deposit rate ($105/1.05) is equal to his new deposit ($100).
In this way, if the utilization of a pool increases, the new fixed deposit rate will increase. Since the fixed-rate borrowers are incentivized to bring back liquidity before the maturity date, you will get a discount on your interests.
To understand more about how the discount for early repayment works, visit this document related to fixed-rate borrows in the Exactly protocol documentation.