For certain scale campaigns, you can nominate outlets on mass on platform or uploading your nominations as a CSV file.
To upload via spreadsheet:
Head to 'Book' on the menu, and select 'By Campaign'.
Find the campaign you are looking to book.
Click the 'Multi-book' shortcut icon on the Campaign Dash (sales teams only) (or open the Profile for the campaign and select Choose Multiple Venues).
If you are assigned multiple territories it will give you the option here to select the territory you want to book for at this stage.
The next screen shows what assets are available to you, usually based on your territory's allocation.
There may be a mixture of Core Kits (which will be automatically included) and optional Add Ons which you can choose to add to each booking.
Take a note at this stage on what the rules are for the Max and Minimum assets per venue.
Click Upload Nominations and then Generate Template. This will then email you a CSV template which includes all the outlets that can be booked within your territory.
Note: there may be targeting in place that has excluded some outlets from the list.
Within the email, click to download the file. (Please note that on some browsers you may need to right click and Download Linked File.)
Alternatively, you could forward it on to your customer to complete.
Ahead of uploading:
Add/Update the Outlet(Venue) Contact Name, Contact Email and Contact Phone Number per nominated outlet. This is mandatory to upload.
Add a quantity for each asset per nominated outlet. Please refer to the Min/Max rules per venue for the campaign when nominating.
To see an example of an edited nomination file, please see here
Any outlets without nominated assets will not be uploaded
Any changes made to outlet details (ie. address change) without nominated assets will not be uploaded
Min/Max rules explained:
If the Min/Outlet is 1 for an asset, you must include it to nominate an outlet.
If an asset has a maximum amount per venue set, you will need to be within this. e.g. if the Max/Outlet is 25, you cannot nominate 26 or more assets for an Outlet .
If for example the Min is 1 and the Max is 5, you can put any number between 1 and 5
The system will only update the outlets you have nominated assets for.
Once your file is ready, please upload it to the platform as a .csv file.
If there are errors, the system will flag these here. Common issues may be:
You haven't added contact details for a nominated outlet
You have not included a Core Kit item for a nominated outlet
You have exceed the Max rule/Outlet for an asset
You have exceeded your Territory Allocation (ie. You were given 20 kits and you/another user have already allocated 20).
Once the upload has been accepted, click Process Bookings and this will put the bookings through. They may take up to 1 hour to show in Booking Requests, whilst they process behind-the-scenes.