Once a booking is confirmed, you can change the date by rescheduling.
To do this, go to Manage on the top menu and select Booking Requests on the dropdown.
Search by the Ship To number and find the relevant booking and click through to open up the full details.
Select Edit Booking. If this is not available it may be that the event is in the past, or the settings for the campaign do not allow it. Please get in touch with us on the chat widget to confirm.
Depending on the settings for the campaign, you may only be able to change the Opening Times for the outlet.
If the settings allow you will be able to change the dates, and edit the assets included (flexible asset campaigns only).
Once you have edited a booking, the agency will be notified and can choose to accept the new date, or suggest an alternative.
You will be notified by email once the reschedule has been confirmed.