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Agency helpdesk: How to set your availability

How to manage availability as an agency

Michelle avatar
Written by Michelle
Updated over a week ago

Availability is made up of a few elements so that we can make sure it's accurate.

In this article you can learn:

How to set up availability at the start of a campaign & edit later

The most important part is making sure everything is set up correctly at the start:

  1. Macro campaign dates & Lead time: When a campaign is created by a brand user (activation team) they should align with you to set the right campaign dates and lead time. This dictates the window that is open to book in. To edit these, ask your brand activation manager.

  2. Time slots: When a campaign is created by a brand user, you may want to set specific date/time slots (ie. events). To edit these, ask your brand activation manager.

  3. Asset availability -make sure to have right amount of inventory in asset management in your account. Instructions to add/edit here.

  4. Staff availability - the number of staff in staff management in your account will affect availability (ie. if 2 bartenders allocated to a campaign, and 1 use per booking, it will sell out after 2 bookings on the same day). Instructions to add/edit here.

How to add unavailable dates

If you have set up the parameters, but there are certain dates you can't facilitate for example a bank holiday, or because you have an offline booking, follow these additional steps.

  1. Go to calendar

  2. Click '+ Offline Booking'

  3. Enter a name (either venue name if its a booking or 'Bank holiday' etc

  4. Choose the campaign that needs to be booked out for these dates

  5. Choose the dates to block out.

  6. Click save

  7. You will need to do this for each campaign this affects ie. a bank holiday would be each campaign

  8. To delete, ask us on the IM widget.

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