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Agency helpdesk: How to cancel a booking

How to cancel a booking (or change dates if already accepted)

Michelle avatar
Written by Michelle
Updated over 2 months ago

For all articles to help you manage bookings, click here.

In this article, you will learn how to cancel a booking as an agency user.

You might have accepted an order for POS or an event, and since realised you need to cancel it:

  • you might have been notified the venue no longer wants it offline

  • the venue / you might need to change the date - therefore cancel and ask the salesperson via the message to rebook a new date.

  • there might be a change in circumstances

You can cancel your orders by following these steps:

  • Head to Manage, Booking Requests; and search for the booking. You may need to change the dropdown to All Bookings if the booking is for someone else in your team.

  • Select the booking you wish to cancel.

  • Select cancel.

  • This will open up a modal where you can input a reason for cancellation (this is not shared with the venue) and write a nice message explaining why you need to decline (customer facing language please).

  • You can choose whether you want to exclude the venue from the cancellation emails. Please only use this tickbox if you are certain they do not need to be updated - e.g. a rep has asked you to decline and the venue is unaware of the booking.

  • Click Cancel.

  • This will cancel the booking and send the notification email to all stakeholders including the venue (if selected), salesperson, activation manager and other agencies.

This will cancel the booking and send the notification email to all stakeholders of all the bookings, including the venue (if selected), salesperson, activation manager and other agencies.

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