The Rate and Review Forms are a really valuable source of information for the continuing improvement of the experiences and are regularly reviewed and analysed by the Customer Marketing team.
How many do I have to review?
If the CMM has opted to turn on Rate & Review for the campaign, you will be asked to review each campaign overall at least once per year. You can do this via the Campaign Dashboard as detailed below.
Each month, an email will be sent to you detailing which campaigns you are due to review.
Individual Booking Reviews
From the Rate & Review Dashboard, you also have the option to review each individual booking, so you can feedback any issues or anything that went well in respect to that customer.
If you are providing staff for a campaign, we will additionally ask you to review every booking.
Reviewing the Campaign from the Campaign Dashboard
Sign in and head to Manage, Campaigns on the menu.
Here you can see all your campaigns, and which ones you are yet to review.
Click on the Review button for the campaign and it will open up the Review modal. Here you can choose a different campaign from the dropdown if needed, and fill in the questions:
Overall. how you would rate the campaign.
Click on the stars here to show your rating out of 5
βWhat worked? What didn't work?
In these text boxes, add any comments you may have.
And here you can upload any pictures you have that are relevant to this campaign.
Once the campaign has been reviewed it will be reflected on your Campaign Dashboard and the data will be fed through to the Data Dashboard which is reviewed by the CMM.