For brand users, you can reschedule or edit your booking by following these steps below.
Please note:
You can only edit bookings scheduled in the future, not today or in the past.
You can only edit bookings in line with campaign settings ie. flexible dates or kits
Steps to edit:
Go to Manage, Booking Requests
Search by Ship To, Venue Name or Campaign Name to find the booking.
*If you need to search for a booking that you didn't make, switch the dropdown from My Requests to All Requests*The bookings are arranged by status - you may need to click into a tab.
Click on the booking to open up the detail.
3. Click Edit Booking
If the booking is in the New tab, the button is found further down the page
Otherwise, the Edit Booking button will show in the top right corner.
4. On the Profile, you will see you are in (Editing Mode)
If the dates were flexible, you can edit these here. Otherwise, you can just edit the opening hours
If the kit was flexible, you can edit the assets. You will only be able to edit in line with availability or your allocation.
You will also be able to edit any questions you answered in a booking form
6. Once submitted, the new details will be sent through to the Agency
7. Once confirmed, the venue will receive an email updating them with the changes.