There are 3 places to view past bookings:
From Booking Requests
Under Manage, in the Booking Requests menu, you can see all of you pending (new or pending agency approval), confirmed, and rejected booking.
Click to Export Requests, and a .csv file will be sent to you showing all the bookings. You can choose which campaign to export specifically, or export all. You also have the option to export by financial year.
The export will show all bookings for the campaign, and you can filter in column M of the .csv file to your name to see bookings specific to you.
Campaign & Targets Dashboard
Under the Book menu, in By Campaign, you can see all the campaigns under the following headings:
Active - this shows campaigns that are currently live
Inactive - here are past campaigns that have passed their cut off or event date
By clicking on the icon shown above by the arrow, you will be taken to a filter on the Book page which shows all the venues within your territory that have previously booked that campaign. If you switch the toggle to All Venues, you can see all the venues across your team that have booked that campaign.
Alternatively you can see what bookings an individual venue has made by clicking on the Past Bookings column shown above.
From the Book Menu
Clicking on Book in the menu will take you to the Venue List. Here you have the option to filter by Booking, where you can select a particular campaign to see what bookings have been made for it.
You can also choose to include My Venues (which will include all bookings from your territory), or All Venues (all bookings across the team) within the filter.