An important opportunity to give feedback and for Customer Marketing to learn from the data. The data plays a valuable part in their analysis of ROI, understanding the venues and their suitability, and improving future experiences.
There are 2 ways to review a campaign:
Overall evaluation : You will be asked to review each campaign overall at least once. You can do this via the Campaign Dashboard as detailed here.
Individual Booking reviews: You have the option to review each individual booking, so you can feedback any issues or anything that went well in respect to that customer.
Reviewing an individual booking via the Rate & Review Dashboard
All review forms can be found under Measure, Rate & Review on the top menu. .
You can also see the Rate & Review milestone in the Status & Timings of your booking which is accessed via the calendar.
Here, you can see which forms are:
Due - this means the Rate & Review Form is due and has not been completed.
Upcoming - this is useful so you can see what information is required ahead of the event
Completed - shows all the complete forms
You also have the option to review the campaign - rather than per booking.
Steps for filling out the form:
Find the booking you want to review. You can search by the unique venue ID number, or use the dropdown filters to search by Campaign.
All questions are optional - only fill out the ones you have data for so as not to skew the data.
Question 1 - Stock
Confirm if the venue had enough stock for the event (Yes/No)
Question 2 - Footfall
This is so the Customer Marketing team can see if there was a footfall uplift caused by the activation.
Standard footfall: typical footfall over a similar time frame to the activating period.
Event footfall: Footfall over the activating period
Question 3 - Sales & Distribution
This is so the Customer Marketing team can see if the activation has caused an increase in stock sales.
Select one core product that you have collected sales data for from the dropdown.
Select the right size and currency of product to give the most accurate data.
For example, Example Brand - Keg - NI (£).
Standard volume: What the venue would usually sell over the activating period
Event volume: How much stock sold over the activating period.
New Distribution? Tick this is the brand has been sold in as a result of the activation
Question 4 - Samples
Select the correct product that was given out as a sample (choose from shots or pints), and type in the amount of samples given out.
Question 5 - Feedback on the activation
This is really valuable as it means the Customer Marketing team can learn from each activation and continually improve the activations.
Write in detail about what went well and what didn't.
Question 6 - Rate & comment on the Venue
This helps the Customer Marketing team & future sales members to see if we should activate here again, and learn about the venue. The venue rating is updated based on this information and can be reviewed by both brand and agency before accepting a booking.
Here you can rate the venue from 1 to 5 - 5 being the highest score.
Click on the boxes which will turn yellow. 5 yellow boxes shows a score of 5/5.
In the comment box below, add any extra information. It could be that the venue was not right for this activation, failed to get behind the event, or perhaps didn't have the right facilities / demographic.
Please note, the venue will not see your rating or comments.
Question 7 - Photo Upload
Upload any photos here to show the activation brought to life.
You can also use this to document any breakages or issues mentioned above.