A visual customer dashboard that highlights when you were last in contact with your most valuable customers.
How it works
We group customers by the number of days that's passed since you last connected:
3 Months +
2-3 Months
Last Month
This Month
Activity Links
Last Activity
A symbol (meeting) with a direct link to the last Activity your team completed
Next Activity Planned
A symbol (phone call) indicates the next Activity planned
No Activity Planned
A 'Caution Sign' means there is no activity or call cycle planned - click to create an activity or set up a call cycle
Sales Data
Exsalerate can import your sales data to give you useful insights to each account. We display 3 key periods to help you to compare to the previous periods performance.
Month to Date (MTD)
This shows the value of total sales for the current month compared to the current month last year.
Year to Date (YTD)
This shows the total value of sales for the current financial year e.g 1 July - 30 June
12 Month Value (12M)
This shows the total value of sales for a rolling 12 month period.
Product Share
The pie graph show a share of wallet that the customer has purchased so you can get a sense of the different products and services they are buying. We also display credit notes here.