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Activity Detail Report
Activity Detail Report

An overview of sales team's activities & status of sales opportunities

Eve Whyte avatar
Written by Eve Whyte
Updated over a week ago

A snapshot of the activities your team have on the go along with relevant notes, activity type & the status of each opportunity.

Click on Menu >Custom Reports> Report On> Activity Detail.ย 

Filter the report by:
โ€‹Start & End date
Sales Rep
Activity Type
Account Manager
Activity Status

*To see all activities make sure the Activity Status = Both

Here is an example of the Excel file that will be downloaded:

The report can be filtered and sorted further in Excel so it's displaying the information you want to see.

A useful way to review the notes your team has made inside each activity. The 'Description' field is where you can find these notes, so make sure you expand the column so it's easy to read

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