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Delete Opportunity
Delete Opportunity

Remove/archive an opportunity in your Exsalerate account

Eve Whyte avatar
Written by Eve Whyte
Updated over a week ago

To delete an opportunity from all searches and reports change the opportunity phase to 'Archived' (inactive phase)

  1. Search for the opportunity in the Search Everything window.

  2. Open the Opportunity

  3. Scroll through the Phases (top of the page) until you find Archived

**Note you can never permanently delete a record from Exsalerate - this is to protect your company data.

Big time deal (Acme Corp Limited) is now removed from your account and will not show up in any searches or reports

If you wish to check opportunities or companies that have been archived click Menu then All Companies

Filter by Phase/Archived to reveal all companies & opportunities

To unarchive open the opportunity and change the phase at the top of the page

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