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Add Opportunity

Add deals to existing customers to give them the attention they deserve

George Hampton avatar
Written by George Hampton
Updated over a week ago

The success rate of selling to a customer you already have is 60-70%, while the success rate of selling to a new customer is 5-20%

Once you Win and invoice business with a New Company/Lead the phase changes to a Customer. Acme Corp now presents many Opportunities for more business deals.

Exsalerate ensures each deal with Acme Corp gets the attention it deserves by creating an opportunity/deal name, estimated $ value, potential product mix & estimated closing time along with recording the activities/emails and documents related to the deal.

Search everything to open the Acme Corp (parent company) dashboard then click Add Opportunity.

Note: If you recently added the Company to Exsalerate as a New Lead they must have progressed to a Customer before Adding An Opportunity

Now add the name of the deal, in front of the company name in brackets and assign an account manager, and click save.

Exsalerate creates a sales opportunity called Upgrade Printers for Acme Corp linked to the main company/parent record.

Add the Value of the Deal to the Service/Product the opportunity presents and choose an Estimated Closing Time.

Select the Phase to reflect where it should sit in your main Sales Pipeline.

The opportunity also appears in a mini pipeline at the bottom of the main dashboard for Acme Corp Ltd

A Red Caution warns you an Activity needs to be created for the opportunity. Click on it to add an Activity

Add activity details and click To-Do so it appears in your To-Do List to complete.

Assign the activity to another team member and include stakeholders if required

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