EzriRx.com is a marketplace for Pharmacies to compare pricing on over 50,000 Brand, Generic, OTC’s and HBA items from multiple vendors at once. With EzriRx, you can search for best pricing, pay for purchases, manage your invoices and haggle with a wholesaler in one central location. No more stacks of open invoices, no more calls from reps, no more faxes taking up your ink and no more of a guessing game on whether you’re actually getting the best prices in the industry. EzriRx is free for Pharmacies and is coupled with an enormous amount of features to benefit Independent and Small Chain pharmacists with their everyday purchases, wholesaler management, pricing, invoices and bottom line.
Before we get started. Here are a few steps which need to be completed in order to be able to begin browsing and purchasing. Once you’ve completed the initial sign up and have your State and DEA Licenses loaded onto the site, follow along the steps below.
Step 1 is applying for wholesalers. This will send off a customer application to the wholesalers on EzriRx so that they can receive your State & DEA Licenses, approve your account, and assign a credit limit which you can use toward your purchase. All applications are pre-filled and will only take 2-3 minutes to complete, but please make sure they are filled out as accurately as possible as inaccuracies will delay wholesalers approving your account.
Step 2 is adding a payment method. Even though all purchases can be invoiced with terms via EzriRx.com, you still need to add a payment method to your account. This will allow you to never need to mail another check, sign an authorization form and will also mean that no wholesaler will ever ask for your ACH or Credit Card information again. Add it once, and you’ll be in control of who you pay, what you pay for and when you pay for it. Note: Payments and Invoices to and from wholesalers, are managed directly on EzriRx.com.
Follow the guides for a window into what EzriRx is, how we simplified pharmacy purchasing and why we are a leader in pharmacy innovation.
EzriRx.com was built for pharmacies, with love.