Orders being edited by a wholesaler is not a frequent occurrence, but do they happen occasionally and we want you to be on top of these changes as they occur.
When a wholesaler edits an order, it could mean they ran out of stock on a product, or made a mistake when listing the item. Wholesaler will usually still ship the product out based on the initial order shipping method, but may have a harder time doing so if they are losing money on the shipment.
Tip: Please be conscious of moving inventory levels when placing your order, as the later in the day you confirm your order, the more likely product availability will be different then when you added it to your cart.
Unless the reason for editing the order is something that requires a pharmacies consent, such as replacing an NDC, you will be notified of these changes via email, in-app notification, and on your Orders page. Learn more about notifications here.
From within the Orders page, you will see a little notification below the order date stating the date when the order was edited:
Click into the order to see a note at the top staging exactly what changed:
By letting you know what was modified in the order, you can now make a decision if you'd like to look for the product from another vendor or wait until it comes back in stock.
If an order is edited, your invoice total will reflect the changes and you will only be charged for the new grand total.