If the wholesaler has not yet provided a tracking number for your order, you can request a tracking number starting the following day after your order is made. It's easy!
How do I request a tracking number?
To request a tracking number, go to the order you wish to request a tracking number for.
1. Locate the "Send Message" button in the top right corner of the order page.
2. Click on 'Where is my Order', and 'I need a tracking number for this order'
3. That's all! The wholesaler will be notified that you have requested a tracking number and will be given easy access to provide a tracking number for you on their end. Once you have received a tracking number you will be notified. You will be able to track the order directly on EzriRx or on the carrier's website.
Help! I don't see the "Request tracking number" button!
This usually means a tracking number was already provided for the order in question. In this case you will see a "Track shipment/s" next to the "Send Message" button. Clicking "Track shipment" will allow you to get a live update on your shipment and see other details related to the shipment.