As a user of Factofly, you receive your earned money as a payroll disbursement. Therefore, you can also find a pay stub on your Factofly profile for the respective disbursement.
You will find your pay stub under "payroll disbursements," where you can retrieve the individual pay stubs under the relevant invoice.
Timeløn (Hourly Wage)
The number of hours paid this month, corresponding to the invoice amount excluding VAT. The amount is deducted by Factofly's fee. If you have received multiple payslips from us this month, this will be a consolidated overview of all salary payments.
Note: If you had expenses related to your work, see Section 3.
If you had travel expenses related to your work, see Section 4.
Sum overført til feriekonto (Sum Transferred to Holiday Account)
12.5% of each salary payment is deducted and transferred to your holiday account. Your holiday pay will be available on the 20th of the following month.
Udgifter (Expenses)
If you had work-related expenses, they will be reimbursed through your salary payment. The amount will be deducted from your gross salary before tax and added back after tax deductions. Reimbursement also includes any paid VAT. The refunded amount is indicated as "Materialer til marketingsopgave".
Kørsel (Travel Expenses)
Mileage reimbursement for reported kilometers. Like other expenses, this amount is deducted from your gross salary before tax and added back after tax deductions. Will appear next to expenses.
ATP-bidrag (ATP Contribution)
A mandatory contribution to ATP (Labor Market Supplementary Pension) is deducted before tax, based on the number of hours worked.
AM-bidrag (AM Contribution)
A mandatory 8% contribution to the Labor Market Fund.
A-SKAT og fradrag (A-Tax & Allowances)
The total taxable income is shown here. If you are using your primary tax card, your monthly tax deduction will appear in parentheses.
Lønperiode (Salary Period)
The month in which your salary was paid.
Dispositionsdato (Disbursement Date)
The official disbursement date on your payslip. However, your salary will be available no later than 2 working days after the invoice is paid or as agreed with Factofly.
Til udbetaling (Net Payment)
The total amount paid out after taxes.
NB! If you have received a salary payment from Factofly earlier in the month, the latest pay slip will be a summary of the 2 disbursements. Already paid wages will appear at the bottom of your pay slip.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact our support at, phone 71 96 00 54, or via our chat.