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Account Settings

Enable company-wide settings for Factory.

Updated over a week ago

Settings overview

Enable company-wide settings in Factory.

🗒️ Note: Settings are available to users with Administrator or Power User (excluding User Management) roles/user types.

Locating this section in app: all Administrators and Power Users can access from any page (except when viewing Orders) in the top right corner.

📽️ Video clips: Settings walkthrough.

Company details settings


  • Company Details:

    • Company Name (this is a mandatory field)

    • Timezone

    • Australian Business Number (ABN)/Australian Company Number (ACN)

    • Company Logo

  • Address Details, the address at which you business/company is registered:

    • Building/street address

    • Suburb/City

    • Postcode/ZIP Code

    • Country

    • State

  • Contact Details for the main contact/Factory administrator:

    • Phone number (must use format (xx) xxxx xxxx)

    • Email address (must be a valid field i.e. it must have a user name, an @, and a domain)

  • Bank Details:

    • Bank account name

    • Bank account number

Team/User Management

Manage user access/user access management (UAM) to add, edit, disable and/or delete user access.

🗒️ Note: as an Administrator you control who has access to Factory, when an employee leaves your employment it is your role to ensure their access is revoked.

User Management

Billing settings

Access billing details and update billing information.

Accounting Package Integrations

Factory's accounting package integration allows your company to speed up its bookkeeping processes, reduce double handling and decrease manual errors by automating the creation of Customers, Suppliers, Quotes, Invoices, Partial Invoices, Purchases and Bills as they're created in Factory.

🗒️ Notes:

Factory currently integrates with:

  • Xero

  • MYOB

  • Quickbooks, Intuit

The integration can automatically send (dependent on the which Options have been enabled) the following to your accounting package:

  • Quotes

  • Sales Orders

  • Invoices

  • Partial invoices

  • Purchase orders

  • Bills.

Integrating Factory with your accounting package

Integration details - [once integrated]

Once an integration is complete, Integrations will display:

The name of your Accounting package

This will be to one of Xero, MYOB or Quickbooks.

The status

The status of the integration i.e. Connected.

Who you're connected to

This is the company name you have listed in your accounting package.

Last update

The time and date of the last update.


  • Import Customers

  • Import Suppliers

  • Update accounts and tax codes

  • Disconnect accounting package

Update accounting data

All Contact (Customer/Supplier) and Product data within your accounting package is synced daily automatically. You may however force an immediate update by clicking the Update accounting data button.

🗒️ Note: the Update accounting data button allows you to sync data every 10 minutes.

Import Customers/Import Suppliers

Update accounts and tax codes

Select Update accounts and tax codes to set which income and expense accounts require updating for taxed and tax free sales and purchases.

Disconnect your accounting package

Select Disconnect your accounting package to disconnect from Factory.

🗒️ Note: disconnecting your integration will also remove Factory as a Connected app from within your accounting package.

Accounting Integration Settings

These are used to ensure that Orders can be successfully processed in the event that you do not link each Factory Product/Line Item to a single, specific corresponding Product in your account package.

🗒️ Note: the following are setting during integration, but can be altered at a later stage if required.

Accounting Integration Settings allow you to choose:

Default items (applicable to all accounting packages)

The default item/product that will be used when creating orders in your accounting package if no item/product is specified.

Sales order discount item (applicable to all accounting packages)

The default item/product that will be used when displaying discounts on Sales Order and Invoices in your accounting package.

🗒️ Note: as many accounting packages do not support line item discounts, or calculate the tax on discounts in unique ways, Factory includes all discount information as a negative dollar line item on orders created within Xero. As a result, specific 'discount line item' products are required within your accounting package.

Purchase Order discount item (applicable to all accounting packages)

The default item/product that will be used when displaying discounts on Purchase Orders in your accounting package.

Order Delivery Status (applicable to all MYOB only)

Configure the Order Delivery Status in MYOB for all newly created quotes, orders, invoices.

Bill Delivery Status (applicable to all MYOB only)

Configure the Bill Delivery Status in MYOB for all newly created purchases and bills.

Enable required Accounting Integration Options (that are required to sync data between your Accounting package and Factory).

  • Send newly-created Factory quotes to your accounting package

  • Send newly-created Factory sales orders to your accounting package

  • Send newly-created Factory invoices to your accounting package

  • Send newly-created Factory partial invoices to your accounting package

  • Send newly-created Factory purchase orders to your accounting package

  • Send newly-created Factory bills to your accounting package

🗒️ Note: if the sales orders option is unchecked, but the invoices option is checked, Factory will only create an invoice in Xero once that Sales Order in Factory has an invoice generated against it.

🗒️ Note: during the "testing/onboarding/playing/exploring" stage, the following are disabled by default, to ensure data isn't pushed through to your accounting package until you're ready:

  • Send newly-created Factory quotes to your accounting package

  • Send newly-created Factory sales orders to your accounting package

  • Send newly-created Factory invoices to your accounting package

  • Send newly-created Factory partial invoices to your accounting package

  • Send newly-created Factory purchase orders to your accounting package

  • Send newly-created Factory bills to your accounting package.

Accounting Integration Options

There are numerous options that can be enabled in order to customise the behaviour of the integration between Factory and your accounting package:

  • Enforce credit limits and credit holds configured in your accounting package

  • Use Factory product descriptions when creating orders in your accounting package

    • When this option is checked, all invoices and orders created in your accounting package will contain product names and descriptions that match what is on the Factory order, overriding anything that may be saved against that product in Xero. We highly encourage you to enable this option in order to ensure consistency in invoice descriptions across the two platforms.

  • Display accounting package codes on orders and PDFs

    • Enabling this option will result in any accounting package product names associated with Factory products also displaying on orders and PDFs that are generated within Factory.

  • Use accounting invoice number on Invoice PDF file name

    • When enabled, any Invoice PDFs generated in Factory will use the Xero Invoice # within the PDF's filename, rather than the Factory Order #.

  • Delete original order in accounting package when partial invoice generated

  • Automatically delete Quote in accounting package when converted to an Order

    • If you are sending newly generated quotes to Xero, you can automatically delete these quotes in the event that your quote in Factory is converted to a Sales Order. This prevents you from maintaining redundant quotes in Xero.

  • Use order’s ‘Required date’ as accounting package invoice date when creating new order

    • You can automatically set the 'Invoice date' on a Xero invoice to correspond with the 'Required date' of the Factory order for situations whereby you'd like to invoice on the day that your customers receive their goods.

Quotes settings

Emailing Options

Enable and add email address/s, where required, for:

Customise where Quote email replies are sent

Assign an email address (in your domain) to receive email replies to the Quote you emailed to a Customer i.e. when a Quote is emailed to one of your Customers, and the Customer replies to your email, this is the email address that the Customer's response will be sent to.

🗒️ Note: add multiple email addresses and separate them with a comma i.e,

Send a copy of Quote emails to

Assign an email address (in your domain) to send copies of the Quotes to i.e. when emailing a Quote to your Customer, also email a copy to yourself or a colleague.

🗒️ Note: add multiple email addresses and separate them with a comma i.e,

Include custom message on Quote emails

Add content, in the text field, to be displayed on all Quote emails sent.

🗒️ Notes:

Include custom message on proforma invoice emails

Add content, in the text field, to be displayed on all Proforma invoice emails sent.

🗒️ Notes:

Sales settings

Product Options

  • Minimum length charged (mm)

Flashings (if enabled)

  • Set minimum length charged (mm)

  • Set crush and fold bend number

Order Options

  • Group products on order by their product category

  • Display cost and markup columns on Sales Orders by default

  • Display flashings as both line items and drawings on Work Order PDF (if enabled)

  • Automatically sort lengths on orders

    • Smallest to largest

    • Largest to smallest

Order Confirmations settings

Emailing Options

Enable and add email address/s, where required, for:

Customise where Order Confirmation email replies are sent

Assign an email address (in your domain) to receive email replies to the Order Confirmation you emailed i.e. when a Order Confirmation is emailed to one of your Customers, and the Customer replies to your email, this is the email address that the Customer's response will be sent to.

🗒️ Note: add multiple email addresses and separate them with a comma i.e,

Send a copy of Order Confirmation emails to

Assign an email address (in your domain) to send copies of the Order Confirmation to i.e. when emailing a Order Confirmation to your Customer, also email a copy to yourself or a colleague.

🗒️ Note: add multiple email addresses and separate them with a comma i.e,

Include pricing information on order confirmation

Set as a default to include pricing information on all Order Confirmations.

Include custom message on Order Confirmation emails

Add content, in the text field, to be displayed on all Order Confirmation emails sent.

🗒️ Notes:

  • Enable, for the text to be displayed on emails, with the checkbox

  • Custom message can be edited manually when sending a new email.

Invoicing settings

Emailing Options

Enable and add email address/s, where required, for:

Customise where Invoice/Partial Invoice email replies are sent

Assign an email address (in your domain) to receive email replies to the Invoice/Partial Invoice you emailed i.e. when an Invoice/Partial Invoice is emailed to one of your Customers, and the Customer replies to your email, this is the email address that the Customer's response will be sent to.

🗒️ Note: add multiple email addresses and separate them with a comma i.e,

Send a copy of Invoice/Partial Invoice emails to

Assign an email address (in your domain) to send copies of the Invoice/Partial Invoice to i.e. when emailing an Invoice/Partial Invoice to your Customer, also email a copy to yourself or a colleague.

🗒️ Note: add multiple email addresses and separate them with a comma i.e,

Include custom message on Invoice and/or Partial Invoice emails

Add content, in the text field, to be displayed on all Invoice/Partial Invoice emails sent.

🗒️ Notes:

  • Enable, for the text to be displayed on emails, with the checkbox

  • Custom message can be edited manually when sending a new email.

Purchasing settings

Emailing Options

Enable and add email address/s, where required, for:

Customise where Purchase Order email replies are sent

Assign an email address (in your domain) to receive email replies to the Purchase Order you emailed i.e. when a Purchase Order is emailed to one of your Suppliers, and the Supplier replies to your email, this is the email address that the Supplier's response will be sent to.

🗒️ Note: add multiple email addresses and separate them with a comma i.e,

Send a copy of Purchase Order emails to

Assign an email address (in your domain) to send copies of the Purchase Orders to i.e. when emailing a Purchase Order to your Supplier, also email a copy to yourself or a colleague.

🗒️ Note: add multiple email addresses and separate them with a comma i.e,

Include custom message on Purchase Order emails

Add content, in the text field, to be displayed on all Purchase Order emails sent.

🗒️ Notes:

  • Enable, for the text to be displayed on emails, with the checkbox

  • Custom message can be edited manually when sending a new email.

Time Tracking settings

Configure Time Tracking settings.


Enabled the following if required:

  • Require PINs for clocking on and clocking off

    • Configure PIN codes for users, requiring them to enter their PIN when clocking on/off

  • Prevent users from being clocked onto the same order multiple times

  • Prevent users from clocking onto multiple orders at the same time

  • Log tracked time as ‘actual’ values on labour line items

  • Automatically create and update Planner entries when user clocks on / off

    • Automatically create entries on Planner when users clock on / off from Jobs.

Default work days

Set default work days and hours.


Enabled the following if required:

  • Automatically clock off users when work day finishes.

PDF settings

Enable and add details, where required, for:

PDF Options

  • Display company logo and address details at top of PDF

    • Your company logo, company name and company address details will display at the top of all PDFs, excluding the Work Order PDF.

  • Use compact product descriptions

    • When disabled/unchecked, all product line item information will display in similar styling on your PDFs as it currently does on the order's page within Factory, spaced out over several lines, rather than on a single line.

  • Include labour line items on PDFs

    • When enabled Labour Line items will be included on PDFs.

Work Order

  • Include full page header on all pages of Work Order PDF

  • Swap Order # and Page # location on Work Order PDF

  • Include internal notes on Work Order PDF.

  • Display flashings as both line items and drawings on Work Order PDF (if Flashings is enabled).


  • Include product lengths on proforma invoice PDF

  • Include custom message on quote PDF

    • Any content entered here will display at the bottom of all newly generated Quote PDFs.

  • Include custom message on proforma invoice PDF

    • Any content entered here will display at the bottom of all newly generated Proforma Invoice PDFs.


  • Include product lengths on invoice PDF.

  • Include custom message on invoice PDF

    • Any content entered here will display at the bottom of all newly generated Invoice PDFs.

Order Importer settings

Product catalogue importer

Pricing table mapping

  • The product pricing table attribute that will be used for mapping imported Products e.g. Product Code Part #.

Basic importer

Additional description fields

  • Additional field from your input file that you wish to be included in the product descriptions of imported line items.

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