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A complete searchable and sortable list to centrally manage your Suppliers

Updated over 7 months ago

Suppliers overview

The Suppliers page displays a list of your Suppliers (in alphabetical order), their last order date, the total number of orders, and the option to Archive.

Locating this section in app:

  • Purchasing > Suppliers

  • Global Search to Search for a Supplier

Suppliers page features

🗒️ Note: Suppliers cannot be deleted, use Archive to remove a Supplier from view.

Search Suppliers

Search by Supplier name.

🗒️ Note: adding a partial word in Search i.e. typing “eng” will return any business with “eng” in their title eg “Test Engineering”

Show Archived Suppliers

Use the checkbox to show archived suppliers.

🗒️ Note: Suppliers can only be archived, and not deleted.

Add new Supplier

When creating a new Supplier in Factory, a corresponding supplier contact can automatically be created in Xero at the same time, with the Suppliers also being automatically linked as a result.

🗒️ Note: integrating your Accounting package allows you to import some or all of your Supplier's (and Customer's) details into Factory removing the need to re-key data.

  1. Select Add new supplier and enter the following to create a new supplier.

  2. Complete:

  • Supplier name (a mandatory field)

  • Address

  • Suburb/City

  • Post Code/Zip Code

  • Country

  • State

  • Phone (must use format (xx) xxxx xxxx)

  • Email (must be a valid field i.e. it must have a user name, an @, and a domain)

  • ABN

3. Enable Create supplier in accounting package where you want the Supplier to be created in your Accounting package.

4. Click Save to save, or Cancel to cancel.


Sort columns by Supplier, Last Order and Total Orders in ascending or descending order.


Set the maximum number of results displayed on a page using the dropdown in the bottom right corner, and if required, use the arrows to navigate between pages.

🗒️ Note: maximum number of results that can be displayed per page is 35 results.

View a list of Purchase Orders made through a Supplier

Click on a Supplier to vieW:

  • Purchase History (all Purchase Order made through the Supplier, will be listed)

  • Supplier details

  • Supplied products

  • Collaborate

  • Contacts

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