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How to write a convincing sales email?
How to write a convincing sales email?
Luisa avatar
Written by Luisa
Updated over a week ago

Basically, there is no perfect template for a sales mail. A good sales mail always depends on your products and your personality. But there are a few things you should definitely pay attention to.

But always be aware: A short phone call can save you a lot of work with your email!

To help you create your perfect email, let's take a look at the individual steps:


A good subject line is so essential because it can determine whether your email is read or not.

Ideally, you have something to refer to: A previous phone call, a specific enquiry about FAIRLING, etc. (e.g. "Your enquiry through FAIRLING // <brand name>"; "<store> & <brand> - we matched on FAIRLING").

Alternatively, a good approach would be to include a benefit directly in the subject line. What does the shop gain from listing your products? Or reading your email at all?

Important: Avoid spam words like "offer", "limited" or similar: Your mail could directly end up in the spam folder.


It is important to build a personality and tell your potential client directly why you are contacting him or her. If you have a personal contact, address him or her personally! If you don't have one, try "Hello dear <shop> team" instead of a simple "Hello".

Make a brief reference to why you are contacting the shop or where you got the contact details from. For example, "After you had a look at our FAIRLING profile, I became aware of your great shop and immediately felt at home" or "I saw you on Instagram and liked your selective choice of small brands, so I definitely wanted to introduce myself".

Here it makes sense to create a link and show why you are a good match.


Introduce your brand: Who are you? What do you do? What is special about it?

Ideally, you will be able to show the shop directly what exactly they gain from listing your products: why your products and not those of the competitor?

Basically, people buy advantages/benefits and not features. Your products are handmade or sustainable? That's great, but it's probably not the only reason to buy.

So try to focus clearly on what the shop needs to know about you to make their buying decision. What makes you stand out?


It is clear that you are available for questions and that you are looking forward to feedback. What can we do to get that feedback?

Two things are important here:

a) Give the potential customer a good feeling by confirming why you are a good match.

b) Include a call-to-action. What do we actually expect now? Set the client a deadline or suggest a specific date when you will get back to them.


To make sure your email is not too long, attach important information. A beautifully designed PDF may also stay in the back of the shop's mind.

In any case, give the shop the opportunity to take a closer look at your products and your brand. It's best to attach your catalog or an informative leaflet/flyer so that they can also get a better visual impression of your brand.

In general, it is good to emphasize things visually. If you refer to specific products in your email, include photos directly.

Visual emphasis can also be generated by paragraphs, bold keywords and the like.

Make sure that you set a signature for your mails. Here you can directly ensure that your potential customer knows exactly how to reach you. Include everything they need to know: Email, phone, maybe your social media channels? You also have the option of adding a picture to your signature, so you can incorporate even more personality.

Additional information in the P.S.: If you only skim through an email, people often read what's in the P.S. anyway. As a reader, you want to quickly see what the sender has to add. This could be important information. For example, "P.S.: Take a look at why our customers are so satisfied with our products" or "P.S.: We are currently running a summer promotion where you can save even more. Let's talk about it!"

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