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Occupancy Planner and Future Availability
Occupancy Planner and Future Availability

Two of our most popular enrollment reports: plan and target ideal occupancy, and know what future availability looks like across rooms and age groups at your site.

Josie avatar
Written by Josie
Updated over 2 months ago

Where is the Occupancy Report in Famly?

To find Occupancy:

  • Reports → Enrollment, or

  • Attendance → Reports

The Occupancy Report

💡 Did you know? Occupancy report is a Premium feature.

The Occupancy report shows daily, weekly, or monthly percentages of attendance, and FTE (Full Time Equivalent number of children), for each of your age groups or classrooms.

The Occupancy report can be pulled at an organization-level, and at a site-level:

You can look at the average occupied space breakdown by day, week and month. The Occupancy Report uses the maximum capacity entered for your site, by age groups or classrooms.

You are also able to set an Occupancy goal (by clicking 'Set up target'), to use as a target for your site.

By clicking on specific groups or classrooms, you will get a drop-down list of the all children registered in that age-group or room over the period of time you have selected (the date in the box in the top, left-hand corner).

☝️ Note: ​The occupancy figures are always based on expected attendance from booked Packages and Sessions, and not on actual attendance from check-ins.

The Occupancy Report, Continued

Occupancy Percentage and Full Time Equivalents (FTE)


The occupancy percentage figure lets you know what care you're providing, as a percentage of the care you could be providing. For the whole center occupancy, this is the sum of all the FTEs of all the children, out of the total capacity for the center. The calculation is shown below:

Full Time Equivalents (FTE)

The Full Time Equivalent view (FTE), allows you to see the planned attendance for one or more children in relation to the opening hours of your center. Calculated as: the number of hours of care booked for the child (and ad-hoc purchases) in a given period, divided by the number of possible hours available.

  • If your center provides care for a child for the full number of available hours in a given time range, then the Full Time Equivalent for that child is 1.

  • If your center has opening hours of 8am-6pm, and a child attends from 9am-5pm, this will be represented by 0.8 FTE (whereas, a child who attends 8am-6pm, will be represented by 1 FTE.)

  • If you added extra sessions outside your center's normal opening hours, for example if the child attended the center described above (with opening hours of 8am-6pm) from 7am-7pm, this would be represented by 1.2 FTE.

The decimal numbers and the percentages are just two different ways of looking at the same number. That is, an FTE of 0.8 can also be shown as 80%- basically, the decimal number multiplied by 100 equals the percentage.

For example:

Kyon Booker has a plan with two full day sessions, each spanning 10 hours.

The center is open Mon-Fri from 7 AM to 5 PM, so 5 days a week, 10 hours per day.

On any single Monday, the FTE for Kyon is 10 hours attended, out of 10 hours the center is open. The calculation is shown below:

Kyon is attending two days per week. For any full week, the FTE for Kyon is 2 lots of 10 hours attended, out of 5 lots of 10 hours the center is open. The calculation is shown below:

The reason why the FTE for Kyon for a full week is lower, is that the center could have provided 50 hours of care for Kyon throughout the week, but Kyon is only booked in for 20 hours.

Please note, due to closing days (such as public holidays) and months having uneven numbers of week days (for example, some months may have five Mondays), the FTE may not be the same across different months as the number of hours of available care may be different.

The Occupancy Report, Continued

Organizational-level Occupancy Report

For organizations with multiple centers, the occupancy report is also available at the organization level. Staff members with permission to view occupancy reports across all centers (with the permission Show Occupancy Reports) can access this feature. The report provides two level of data:

FTE Summary

For the organization at large for each center, a total sum of Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) and occupancy percentage for all centers, either on a weekly or monthly basis. It also shows a sequential percentage change, indicating whether occupancy has increased or decreased compared to the previous week or month.

The calculation used is an “Actual FTE” that is precise per day and accounts for all discrepancies in the calendar (e.g. closure days, room-level opening hours, room moves), and includes ad hoc sessions.

Drivers of FTE

By expanding the report, you can gain further insights into trends driving changes in FTE. There are four key factors:

  • Starters: FTE increases from children starting during the selected period.

  • Leavers: FTE decreases from children leaving during the selected period.

  • Upgrades: FTE increases from children moving to a larger booking plan (excluding ad-hoc sessions).

  • Downgrades: FTE decreases from children switching to a smaller booking plan (excluding ad-hoc sessions).

The calculation used is “Annualized FTE,” which represents the average Full-Time Equivalent (FTE), based on each child’s current booking plan. This calculation is designed for tracking insights and trends but doesn’t account for all factors that could affect the calendar, such as closure days, room-specific opening hours, room transition rules, age group changes, and ad-hoc sessions.

Exports (CSVs)

The organization occupancy report offers several export options:

  • Bookings: Download a single CSV containing all child bookings within a selected date range for one or multiple sites.

  • FTE Summary: Export FTE and occupancy percentage data at the organization, center, room, or child level for one or multiple centers. You can choose weekly or monthly date ranges and calculate the data by room or age group.

Future Availability

This report shows you the number of places you have available in your site. Future Availability uses the maximum capacity figure you entered for each age group or room in your site, and compares it to the plans of the children assigned to that age group or room. It gives you an overview of the seats left for new children or ad-hoc sessions and allows you to easily plan for new children now and in the future.

This feature is part of our Essentials and Premium packages. You can learn more about pricing here!

Each color represents a level of availability:
Green = Plenty of spaces available
Yellow = A few spaces available
Grey = Zero spaces available, full capacity
Red = Over capacity

☝️Note: Missing Classrooms on your Future Availability?

If a room is not showing in your Future Availability, it's because there are no children with plans scheduled to be in that room. To solve this, check that your children have active plans entered on their profiles, and that there is an up-to-date attendance schedule for the children in that room.

If a room still isn't showing on your Occupancy Report or Future Availability, make sure to check that you've entered the capacity of this room via your room setup in Settings.

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