3. Reports & CSV
Martin Chan avatar
Written by Martin Chan
Updated over a week ago


The Reports feature offers a wide range of advanced functionalities to enhance data analysis capabilities. It includes the ability to track social media engagement and provide detailed access logs for individual users. This enables comprehensive insights into their login activities, survey logs, and any collected data. Admins can gain a deeper understanding of user behavior and preferences by diving into the specifics.

The platform offers a unique advantage by allowing to set a desired date range for the login records to explore. This customizable timeframe allows zooming in on specific periods, conducting targeted analysis, and uncovering meaningful trends or patterns in user activity.

Desired date range:

The system includes a search bar for conveniently finding specific items. This feature enables the organization of data, while the venue selection feature allows for targeted information. These tools significantly enhance the accessibility and analysis of the data.

Search bar:


The platform offers a CSV feature that conveniently allows the exporting of the collected data. By simply clicking on the ‘Export’ button (available at the top right corner of data pages), it will be downloaded in CSV format to gain the flexibility to perform further analysis using spreadsheet software, or third-party CRM integration. This opens up possibilities for generating insightful visualizations, conducting complex analyses, or integrating the data with other systems or tools.

Export to CSV:

a. Access Log

The Access Log feature plays a crucial role in tracking social media engagement. Users can rely on it to gain a comprehensive understanding of the level of engagement by reviewing and analyzing the data within the Access Log. To view the WiFi user login records of the venues, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the ‘Reports’ section in the menu bar.

  2. From the dropdown menu, select ‘Access Log’.

  3. You will be directed to the access log page, where WiFi user login records are displayed.

The records are organized chronologically, with the most recent data at the top.

The user's name, email address, age, accessed organization, time and date of login, login method used, and action taken are all shown.

On the right side of the page, a ‘Details’ button is located, which offers more specific information regarding the login activity of each user.

The ‘Details’ section provides comprehensive information about the WiFi user and their activities. It includes:

WiFi User Information

This includes data collected from the Captive Portal, such as the user's name, gender, age, date of birth, email address, login method used, total number of visits, last accessed network, first-time login, and last seen activity. Please note that this information is collected and updated based on the data set on the Captive Portal.

User Devices

Information about the devices used by the user to access the WiFi is captured. This includes the MAC address, device type, operating system, number of visits, login method used, accessed network, and seen activity.

Access Log (Details)

Every sign-in event is recorded in the Access Log. This section displays details such as the venue accessed, the specific hotspot connected to, the MAC address of the device used, the device type, the action taken (e.g., logging in or liking the fan page), the login method utilized, and the timestamp of the access. The Access Log retains all the saved records, and at the bottom of the page, there is a pagination feature for administrators to navigate through the access details. Additionally, administrators can choose the preferred number of logins to be displayed per page for easier management and analysis.

With the ‘Details’ section, administrators can gain a comprehensive understanding of user information, device usage, and a detailed log of all access activities, enabling effective monitoring and analysis of the WiFi network usage.

To export the collected data from the Access Log, simply click on the 'Export CSV' option. It is important to note that the exported data corresponds to the logs displayed on the current page. If a larger dataset is needed, the number of logs shown per page can be adjusted, ranging from 5 to 100. If there are more than 100 data logs, changing the page number will allow for exporting the remaining logs.

Depending on the Personal Identifiable Information (PII) arrangements, the left side will showcase the profile picture of the accessed user. In cases where PII restrictions prevent the display of specific details, the viewer will have the option to see either the first digit or an initial as a substitute.

b. WiFi Users

The ‘WiFi Users’ section provides a comprehensive overview of all connected WiFi users. It displays detailed information about each user, including their name, gender, age, date of birth, email address, total number of visits, last login method used, last access & first login timestamp, and last seen activity.

In this section, administrators have the option to delete the data logs of specific WiFi users if necessary. They can also access the same information mentioned above in the ‘Access Log’ section, allowing for a consolidated view of user details and access activities.

The circle on the left side displays an identifier or number to create a comprehensive profile of the WiFi user. When personally identifiable information (PII) is disabled, it will show the profile picture from the social media platform used to access WiFi. However, when PII is enabled, it will display the initial or first digit of the user's phone number

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