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AgriWebb and Farmbot Integration
AgriWebb and Farmbot Integration

Better manage your farms and remove double data entry by integrating AgriWebb and Farmbot

Jen Duff avatar
Written by Jen Duff
Updated over a week ago


AgriWebb is a livestock management software that providings mapping, livestock management, grazing insights and now water management.

Make farm management easier than ever by connecting Farmbot and AgriWebb together.

The integration allows you to visualise your rainfall and current tank levels captured by Farmbot from the within AgriWebb.


  1. No more time-wasting, manual data entry

  2. Reduce context switching

  3. Better reporting insights with more data

  4. Receive your real time Farmbot alerts when there is an issue

What do I need before I can integrate?

Set up your AgriWebb account

You need to have an account with both AgriWebb and Farmbot to enable the integration between both systems.

⚠️ Note: Only users with the Administrator user role in AgriWebb can initiate the integration in the marketplace.

You must be an Admin or Supervisor in Farmbot to finalise the integration.

If you're not already an AgriWebb user, you can sign up here or call the AgriWebb team on (02) 8311 4675.

Make sure your Farmbot sites and AgriWebb farms match

As part of the integration, the sensors in your Farmbot site will be matched to each corresponding AgriWebb farm. Learn how to create a site in MyFarmbot here.

If you only have 1 site and farm, then you don't need to do anything else!

How to integrate

  1. In the left hand corner, click into Accounts

  2. Scroll down and click 'AgriWebb Marketplace'

3. Within the Marketplace, find and click into Farmbot

4. Click "Enable"

5. Select which farms you would like to enable the integration

⚠️ Your Farmbot sites and AgriWebb farms will be linked to one another so that the sensor from a particular site will show in the selected farm. Please make sure your Farmbot sites and AgriWebb farms are set up correctly before enabling the integration.

6. Click 'Allow access'

ℹ️ You can deactivate this app at any time by going to Account and then Marketplace.

7. Click 'Continue' and this will redirect you to MyFarmbot to configure your connection

8. Select your Farmbot enterprise that you would like to integrate from the dropdown and click 'Allow'

9. Select the AgriWebb Farm that corresponds to your Farmbot site from the drop down and click submit.

By connecting the two, all of the Water Tank and Rain Gauge sensors from that Farmbot site will appear in that AgriWebb farm.

10. Now sit back and relax because you're done! 🎉

You should see the following message in MyFarmbot and then you will be redirected to AgriWebb.

⚠️ The integration may take some time depending on the size of your enterprise and the number of sensors that are integrated. Once you return to AgriWebb, you won't see your tanks and rain gauges immediately, but the next time they send data, they will appear!

How to disable the integration

  1. Go to the AgriWebb Marketplace through Accounts

  2. Select Farmbot again

  3. In the 'Change' drop down, select 'Disable for all farms'

4. You will then see a confirmation message like this

What does it look like in AgriWebb?

Once you've enabled the integration, all future water tank and rain gauge data will be sent directly to AgriWebb.

If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact Customer Support via or 02 9901 4798.

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