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FarmRaise Tracks
How to 'View Reports'
How to 'View Reports'

Generate reports of your expenses over time by 'Category' and 'Product'

Liz Hirst avatar
Written by Liz Hirst
Updated over a week ago

To view a summary of your expenses over time, explore 'Reports'!

  1. Navigate to the 'Profile' tab at the bottom of the app and then click 'View Reports'.

  2. Here, you'll be able to choose to view your expenses by selecting either

    1. (a) a 'Category' broken down by 'Product' or

    2. (b) a 'Product' broken down by 'Category'.

  3. You can view these breakdowns over a custom time period.

    1. This way you can visualize your spending over the quarter, crop year, or entire time you've been tracking farm expenses with FarmRaise Tracks!

  4. Choose a time period that works best for your farm.

  5. At this time, you cannot print from the 'View Reports' tab.

Do you have more questions about 'Reports'? Send us an email at

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