The FarmWizard software enables you to record and manage medicine stocks for farm assurance purposes.
Stock Control
When you record animal treatments, the dosage amounts are drawn from the medicine items in stock. The quantity in stock is then re-calculated until it shows as zero. However, to accomodate "real world" scenarios (residual quantities left in a bottle/pack), you can continue treating animals from a zero quantity stock item. When the stock item is finished, it can be removed from the stock list.
Finishing a medicine stock item
When a stock item is finished, it can be removed from the drop down list of available medicine stock items that display on the animal treatment screens:
Go to the Herd Manager main menu and click on the List Vet Medicine sub menu
Select the required stock item in the list. It's detail will display in the panel to the right
Click the Mark As Finished button to remove the medicine from the available stock list
Amending the detail of a medicine stock item
FarmWizard enables you to amend the detail of a previously recorded stock item:
Go to the Herd Manager main menu and click on the List Vet Medicine sub menu
Select the required stock item in the list. It's detail will display in the detail panel to the right
Click the Update Batch button to load the data editing screen
Amend the detail as required and click Update Batch to save the changes
Replenishing a medicine stock item
If you regularly use a particular medicine, you can quickly replenish the stock as follows:
Go to Herd Manager > List Vet Medicine
Find the required stock item in the list and click "Select this batch"
To the right of the screen, click "Refresh Batch"
A data entry form will display containing the details of the the depleted medicine stock item. Amend the data fields as appropriate for the new stock. As a minimum, this is likely to be Batch Number, Expiry Date and Purchase Date