Recording temporary movements

If you have animals moving off the holding for grazing or showing, you may need to report the movement to BCMS

Will Rands avatar
Written by Will Rands
Updated over a week ago

Generating the "off" movements

When animals move off the holding for short-term grazing, dry cow management or showing, you'll need to record this in the movement book and report the "off" movements to BCMS.

To do this, you must marks the animals as sold.  For a batch of animals, this can be quickly done via Herd Manager > Batch Manager or Herd Manager > BCMS Interface > Passport Scanning, if you have a barcode scanner.

The data entry screen for both the above methods include a tick box to notify the movements to the BCMS Cattle Tracing System.

Generating the "on" movements

When animals return to the holding, use the Re-add Animal screen.

  1. Go to Herd Manager > Re-add Animal

  2. Optionally, select the date that the animals originally moved off the holding and click "Filter on Exit Date". This will narrow down the list of tags that display in the main list box to the right of the screen

  3. If you wish to re-add all the animals defined by the filter, click on the first animal in the list.  Holding the mouse button down, drag downwards so that they are all highlighted.
    If you only need certain animals, hold down the Ctrl/Control key and click on the required tags.

  4. Select the date of the "on" movement and enter the name of holding that the animals are returning from

  5. To report the "on" movements to BCMS, tick the "Report..." check box

  6. Click "Add Selected Animals to herd"

  7. The animals will now show as "Live" in the herd and the "on" movements will display on Herd Manager > BCMS Interface > Registrations. FarmWizard will automatically send these movements to BCMS at 10:00 am.  Alternatively, you can click the button "Register Outstanding Moves Now" on the Registrations page to send them through immediately

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