Edit Your Profile Information

How to edit your Melon profile information.

Nate Brown avatar
Written by Nate Brown
Updated over a week ago

Accidentally entered your name or profile information incorrectly and need to make a change? This article will show you how to access your profile settings so that you can update your profile at any time.

To access your profile settings:

  1. Login to your Melon account.

  2. Select the Hey menu in the top right corner.

  3. Select My Account from the drop-down menu

  4. On the My Account page, select My Profile

5. Update your Date of Birth, Passport Details, Phone Number, etc. as needed by clicking the Edit button by each section. When you are finished with your changes, click the Save button at the bottom of the page to apply your updates.

Note: Some sections may be in gray and unable to be edited. In this case, you will need to reach out to your Dedicated Travel Team to have them make the changes for you. Their contact information can be found within each section of the My Account page.

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