How to Book a Flight (UK)
Written by James Forbes
Updated over a week ago

There are 5 simple steps to making a new flight reservation.

Check out our video tutorial or user guide for full details on this process, or follow the quick steps below.

  1. Search Criteria: Enter your criteria, including origin, destination, dates (and preferred times) and if applicable the traveller and travel class.
    For cities with multiple airports, choose a specific option for more focused results, or leave it general for a wider search of all area airports.

  2. Outbound flight and fare selection: On the results page choose your outbound and (if applicable) inbound flights, and the most suitable fare for your trip.
    Use the filters to help you narrow down the results to your perfect options

    Open up your preferred flight option to view the fare options - look out for cancellation conditions and inclusions when selecting your fare

  3. Inbound flight: If applicable, repeat for your return flight.

  4. Checkout: Have a look over the details, enter your membership details if not stored in your profile and add any required 'Additional Details'.

  5. Pre-confirmation: On the pre-confirmation page, your flights will be booked and saved but you have the opportunity to add any additional products before your final confirmation is generated. If finished with your reservation, click 'I'm done booking for Now'.

Once done, you will be sent an email confirmation and your tickets will be issues

Remember, if you need to change or cancel your flight, contact your Expert Travel Consultant!

For more information on booking flights see the Melon User guide or the video tutorial.

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