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Risk alerts and notifications
Risk alerts and notifications
Written by Alicia Lloe
Updated over a week ago

Within Melon you will receive 24/7 risk alerts for your upcoming trips. These real-time updates provide warnings and critical updates for incidents that may impact your safety on a trip, such as extreme weather events, border restriction changes, or changes to conflict zones. Unlike your average risk alerts, Melon also shows alerts throughout the booking and trip management process, allowing you to make informed decisions every step of the way.

Who receives the notifications?

Travellers will receive real-time alerts directly and if you are a travel arranger or admin you will get the same updates for any of your impacted travellers.

You will be notified of any new alerts via your Melon platform, Mobile App (Travellers only) and email . Full details of the alerts can be found in your Notification Centre.

Managing your Notifications

Within Melon you are set up to automatically receive risk alert notifications however you also have the option to amend the types of alerts your receive and the channel by which you receive them.

Simply select the Notifications panel in your My Account page to set your preferences.

For more information please see the Risk Alerts FAQ guide.

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