There is an overview of the status of their repricing and results for their Amazon account in the Analysis screen, accessed from the toolbar at the top.
Across the top of the Analysis screen are four boxes detailing:
The last 30 days Profit Boost results
All Time Profit Boost results
SKUs currently repricing – the number of active listings turned on
Reprices Today – how many reprice actions made today
Profit Boost is the amount of additional profit made by Profit Protector Pro ABOVE the Buy Box, ie. sales made when the Buy Box is lower than the price a sale has been made by the seller.
The graphs below the Overview numbers show two visual displays of the status of the active listings:
Listings that are missing Min/Max inputs
SKUs that are currently at Buy Box price
Which SKUs are currently at the low price
Listings at the seller’s set Min Price
Listings at the seller’s set Max Price
The Analysis screen also shows the overall sales and orders the Amazon account has made in the previous week. This is shown in the same two chart types as the SKU statuses.
Hover over any of the charts to see more detail.
The tabs along the top of the line chart allow sellers to choose which marketplace results are displayed.