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What Does The BSR & Prices Feature Show Me?
What Does The BSR & Prices Feature Show Me?

The BSR & Prices feature is a quick-look breakdown of the Best Seller Rank and pricing information for the listing being analysed.

Matt Connolly avatar
Written by Matt Connolly
Updated over 2 months ago

The BSR & Prices feature is a quick-look breakdown of the Best Seller Rank and pricing information for the listing being analysed.

How a listing is ranking in its category at that moment on Amazon is shown in the BSR (Top %). If it is within the Max BSR % parameter entered in the BBP Score Adjuster settings then it will show the percentage with a green “thumbs up”.

If there is enough data available, BuyBotPro will also show its prediction for future BSR performance.

Keepa BSR Drops indicate how many times the BSR has dropped in the last 30 days, indicating how well the product has sold in that time.

Price activity is broken down in the Prices section, starting with the current Buy Box price. If Amazon currently hold the Buy Box it will be indicated here.

Hover over the Net BB Price Changes and a pop-up detailing the movements of the Buy Box price over the previous 30 days. The amount of movement up and down indicates how active the competition are in the listing.

Also shown are the current Amazon price, low prices for FBA and FBM sellers, and how many of each are currently on the listing.

Changing the date range at the top will display how the listing has performed historically, showing the BSR and price averages for that time period.

This is especially useful if sourcing for a seasonal product or Q4, or just to review whether the product might have longevity.

As with all of the feature sections in BuyBotPro the BSR & Prices feature can be minimised using the arrow on the right side of the title, or moved up and down the panel – or hidden completely – using the Section Customizer.

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