Every listing has a History page, where sellers can see exactly what actions Profit Protector Pro’s strategies have taken.
The History page details the time and date any repricing actions were made, what action was taken and why, and the price Profit Protector Pro submitted to Amazon.
Understanding the reasoning behind why repricing actions are taken will help assess the performance of strategies and pricing parameters on listings, as well as how a listing is behaving.
The second way to monitor how Profit Protector Pro is acting on your behalf on listings is with the Activity Log.
Click on the Activity tab to generate a live table with the repricing activity across all active inventory.
The event, time, action taken, and the price requested by PPP to Amazon is detailed, showing how frequently strategies are acting on sellers’ behalf.
The table will list the activity in reverse chronological order by default but can be sorted Oldest-Newest or alphabetically.
Using the “Search Listings…” bar at the top find Profit Protector Pro’s repricing activity on any listing in the inventory.