Most users of Profit Protector Pro will use the pre-programmed Smart Strategies included with their subscription, however the Custom Strategies function allows users to build their own.
They are most commonly built by sellers when:
They are running stock down to exit a listing
To combat particularly aggressive pricing
When seller numbers are dropping, and a user wants to change tack when they hit a certain level
If there is a timescale involved with a listing, i.e. approaching the end of a season
A custom strategy can be used to design actions for any listing scenario. The function of Custom Strategies allows sellers who have listings they feel need a little more active control over the repricing, and need more influence from them to get the results they would like.
Creating a custom strategy is similar to creating rules in rules-based repricing with repricers that aren’t equipped with AI.
With Profit Protector Pro, however, the option is there to include the Smart Strategies within a custom strategy.
The feature walks users through a series of steps, ensuring that all potential pricing scenarios are accounted for and that the custom strategy has no surprise holes in it.
Profit Protector Pro’s algorithmic strategies can be incorporated in a Custom Strategy to give the AI control in certain scenarios determined by the user. This could be useful when favourable conditions are met on a listing, avoiding the need of user intervention.
Profit Protector Pro users can build as many Custom Strategies as they need, and any of the instructions made in any of them can be edited from the Custom Strategies tab.
To use a Custom Strategy, activate it in the Custom Strategies tab and choose it from the dropdown in a listing in the Repricing tab. Custom Strategies will show at the bottom of the strategies list.