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Written by Edvin
Updated over a week ago

So what we do is we would create social media posts based on your business and industry. Our main scope of work is where we’re creating that content and then posting it to your social media channels, whether it’s Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, or Google My Business as some options.

All the content we create for you is fully on-brand. We use your colors, fonts, logos and make sure your brand voice is coming across in the right way.

The way that we actually develop the content stems from an initial questionnaire that you get upon signup, which really helps us better understand your business, your industry, your target audience, any resources that you might have, like a Dropbox, Google Drive, or a website.

And then one of our in-house social media managers researches the questionnaire that you've completed and then they'll create your posts based on that and our own research.

So, at the beginning of every month, we send you all the content for the whole month for you to review and approve - or you can leave feedback if there’s anything you want us to change.

Once you’ve approved it, we then make sure it’s posted for you throughout the month. You’ll be able to see all upcoming posts on our scheduling platform.

To go over our pricing, we have these 3 different pricing plans. The only difference is how many posts you get.

It’s either 10, 15 or 30 posts per month. Pricing for those being $99, $149 and $249.

Each plan has one social channel included in the price. So for example if you only want us to only post to Instagram, then that’s included in the price I just mentioned.

But if you want to add more channels, such as Facebook or LinkedIn, then it’s just $10 extra per month for each channel as we do tweak the content to fit natively on each platform.

Our most popular plan is this one with 15 posts per month for $149, where you get 1 post every 2 days.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Q: How will you know what to post for my company?

    A: Our service is very streamlined, so when you sign up you you complete a detailed onboarding questionnaire giving us all the information we need about your company and target audience, including your branding and any ideas you already have for posts.

    We also review your website and social media channels in depth to get a good understanding of your brand voice and your visual style, so that we can continue in a similar style if that’s what you want us to. We will also research your industry so that we can put out high quality content that is very relevant for your audience.

  • Q: Where do you get the content/visuals from?

    A: It depends. Some clients have a lot of content that we can work with and some have nothing. For clients that have a lot, we mostly work with that. For clients that don’t have much content, we tend to work with premium stock photos or most graphic-design based posts that are relevant to your brand. However the approach is something we decide together with the client.

  • Q: Where is your team based?

    A: We're a fully remote company with most of our team in the US and then a few in Europe and Australia. (the company is incorporated in Denmark where the founder, Edvin is located.)

    We DO NOT outsource the work to India/Philippines etc.

  • Q: What languages can you make posts in?

    English, Spanish, German, French, Dutch, Danish, Swedish, and Norwegian.

  • Q: What social media platforms do you work with?

    All of them. Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, Pinterest, Tiktok, Youtube Shorts, Google My Business (just not Twitter right now due to the recent API pricing changes).

  • Q: Do you just outsource it overseas?

    A: No, that wouldn’t get you a good result. Although we are fully remote, everyone works directly for us under our company. They are in the US, EU and Australia. No 3rd world countries.

  • Q: Will it be in my branding?

    A: Yes - everything we do will be in your branding. We can use your logo, fonts and colors. We also make sure that all written text is in your brand voice similar to what is written on your website or some of your previous posts. Making sure that everything is fully on-brand is very important to us and all of our clients, so it’s a big priority for us.

  • Q: How does the content review & approval work?

    A: When you sign up and complete the questionnaire, we will have your posts ready for review within 5 working days. We always send a whole month’s worth of content for you to review at once. We send you a link where you can see the posts and leave feedback for us. We want you to absolutely love the posts we create for you, so if there’s anything at all you don’t like we’re happy to keep changing it until we find a style and direction that you think is perfect. Most often we get it perfect the first time around, but if we don’t we’ll work on it until you love it.

  • Q: Who will be working on my posts/account?

    A: Your account manager will match you with the best social media manager for your industry. Most of our team is based in the US and then we have a few people in Europe as well. (fully remote workforce). Each client gets an account manager, which is the point of contact. The account manager is the link between the rest of the team which consists of a content creator and a copywriter.

  • Q: What kind of posts will you create?

    A: It depends on your business and industry. If you have preferences, you can add them in the questionnaire otherwise we can come up it. But examples can be: Promotional posts related to your products, educational posts, seasonal posts, tips and tricks - anything, really.

  • Q: Can I still post myself sometimes too?

    A: Yes you can. We encourage our clients to add their own content when they need to. It’s up to you how involved you want to be; if you’re simply too busy to do anything on social media, then you can relax knowing we’ve got your accounts covered.

  • Q: What results can I expect from your posting services?

    A: The idea behind consistent posting onto your social media pages is to target your existing follower base by keeping your socials active with content that promotes your business and educates your audience. This will generate sales and help you grow for sure - but only so much.

    If you’re looking to generate a lot more sales, leads or even followers then I would suggest some of our add-ons. The Instagram Growth service is great for growing your followers on Instagram with real people interested in what you do.

  • Q: What if I have specific products, events, or promotions I want to post about?

    A: We make sure to include that. All the posts we make are planned out for a full month in advance, so if these things are planned out in advance we can easily include it. We always check in with you 14 days before the next month starts to hear if there’s anything we should include in the next batch. If there’s however something that is urgent and you want to post about here and now, then we just suggest that you post it yourself and leave the planned out posts to us.

  • Q: Turnaround Time? + How often will I receive content review & approval?

    A: After signing up and completing the questionnaire you will receive your full month of posts within 5 working days. After that you’ll receive posts once every month to review.

  • Q: How do I give feedback on my content?

    A: You leave feedback for the posts inside ‘Feedback’ column in the link we send you.

  • Q: How many clients do you have?

    A: I can’t disclose the exact number, but it’s definitely in the hundreds.

  • Q: How many clients does each account manager handle?

    A: 20-30

  • Q: How many team members do you have?

    A: Over 50

  • Q: How are you making money with just $99?

    We actually don’t make money the first few months with a new client. Our concept is low-cost, high volume and aiming to keep clients happy so they stay for years. We make a lot less profit per client than expensive agencies, but the volume makes up for it. But we have very streamlined processes and technology that makes it possible for us to do it at these low costs.

  • Q: Why do you charge +$10 to post to IG/FB when it’s just one click?

    A: We don’t use the IG platform, so it’s not just one click. But the reason why is that we tweak all the content to fit natively on each platform. So we might change the sizing of the image, tweak the length of the text and change how we use hashtags.

  • Q: Do you use Canva?

    A: Yes

  • Q: What’s the platform you use to schedule the posts?

    A: It’s our own custom built platform, but it’s similar to Hootsuite and, etc.

  • Q: How often will you post?

    A: It depends on which plan you select.

    10 posts per month = one post every 3 days.

    15 posts per month = one post every 2 days.

    30 posts per month = one post every day.

    If you want us to post in a different schedule we can do that too.

  • Q: Do you offer a trial period?

    A: No, we don’t offer a free trial - but you can cancel our service at any time, so it’s a very small risk to order 10 posts to test the waters. I’m sure you’ll love it as we really care about making high-quality posts that are fully on brand. We do also have a lot of examples of our work on our website that you can take a look at if you are unsure.

  • Q: Can I cancel at any time?

    A: You can cancel month to month - but we do ask you to cancel at least 7 days before your next month starts as that is when we’ll be working on your posts for the next month.

  • Q: Do I have to share my login details?

    A: No - you simply connect your social media accounts on our scheduling platform through the official integration - no passwords needed.

  • Q: How do I share my content (photos+videos) with you?

    A: You can share it through the onboarding questionnaire by adding a link to something like Google Drive or Dropbox where you have it stored. You can also send it over email if that’s easier for you.

  • Q: Can you tag people/products on my posts?

    • Products, no. People, yes but only in the caption to give them credit if it’s their photo.

  • Q: Can you also do IG Stories?

    • Yes we do - you can add it in the checkout

  • Q: Can you do Carousel posts on Instagram?

    • Yes we do - you can add it in the checkout

  • Q: Will the content be general?

    No, we always strive to make sure the content we post is very specific for your business and industry. That’s why we have our detailed onboarding questionnaire and also spend a lot of time researching your company and industry, before starting.

  • Q: I don’t have any social media pages yet, can you help set them up?

    No, we don’t offer that service as transferring ownership is complicated. But it’s really easy to set up the accounts yourself.

  • Q: I don’t want any of the static posts options - I only want some of your add-ons, is that possible to order by itself?

    A: Yes, that’s possible. Just let me know which ones you want and I can send a unique link you can use to do that.

  • Q: What about video? Reels, Tiktok etc.?

    A: Yes, we offer that. It’s one of our add-ons.

  • Q: Do you use a posting scheduler and how do you get access to my business page?

    A: Yes, we use our own scheduling platform and you connect your accounts through the official integration with each channel. When working with us, you can also use the platform to schedule your own posts too.

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