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How does Firecracker choose questions from Urgent, Current, and Past for my daily reviews
How does Firecracker choose questions from Urgent, Current, and Past for my daily reviews
Firecracker Bot avatar
Written by Firecracker Bot
Updated over a week ago

In every review session, we pluck the most important questions for you to review from the topics you've marked as either Urgent, Current, or Past.

If you have any topics marked as Urgent, we'll give you those questions at the beginning of each of your review sessions. Use the Urgent mark sparingly so you can stay on top of the rest of your questions!

After your Urgent questions we'll recommend the most important questions from Current and Past for you to review. We always give you more questions from Current than from Past, but the actual percentage of questions in your daily quiz that come from Current and Past will wiggle depending on how many questions you need to review from each group. Our algorithm determines what you need to review by calculating the chance you will forget the answer to each question you've studied.

  • If you're at risk of forgetting many Past questions and only a few Current questions, your daily quiz will include an increased percentage of Past questions.

  • If you're at risk of forgetting many Current questions and only a few Past questions, your daily quiz will include an increased percentage of Current questions.

This system will give you more flexibility and control in your studies while ensuring that you don't forget anything you've studied!

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