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What material is included in Firecracker?
What material is included in Firecracker?

How much content does Firecracker include? Which exams can I use this program to study for? How do I get in touch with the Firecracker team?

Firecracker Bot avatar
Written by Firecracker Bot
Updated over a week ago

Firecracker includes all the key content and facts you need to know for medical school and all of the major exams, such as COMLEX, USMLE Step 1 and Step 2 CK, COMLEX, and NBME Shelf Exams. Tens of thousands of pre-meds and medical students have used Firecracker to ace their classes and crush their standardized exams. If you have any questions whatsoever, email us at and we'll be happy to give you some personalized advice and resources!

All in all, our platform includes both a website and a mobile app (Firecracker Daily Review), which work in synchronicity with each other. Our content consists of tens of thousands of flashcard questions, thousands of in-depth topic summaries, and thousands more of all-original board-style questions for practice. We even have timed practice exams in an exact replica of the USMLE interface:

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