With your trial, you get complete access to FitXR.
The 7 Day Free Trial that we offer before every new membership gives complete access to our platform. That includes:
Access to over 600 on-demand workouts across our 5 unique studios
7 brand new classes added through your trial
Professionally curated Collections to help you on your fitness journey
Our newest Training Plans feature to give you a guided introduction to FitXR
Live Multiplayer rooms to workout with your friends
Brand new, licensed music from multiple labels
And if your decide that FitXR isn't for you, that's totally okay. There's no obligation to continue with the subscription, but you should read the note below to make sure you avoid any unwanted charges.
NB: If you need to cancel, we've written an article here that helps explain how. Please make sure you've done this with at least 24 hours remaining on your trial - cancelling after that point may mean you're still charged.