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How do I cancel my Membership?

Information on how to cancel your FitXR subscription.

Updated over 10 months ago

How you cancel depends on how you signed up.

The cancellation process for your FitXR subscription will be owned by the platform you used to sign up. So for example, if you've signed up through - you can quickly cancel by logging in to your account on our website. If you signed up through your Meta or Pico headset, then you'll need to cancel through their platforms; we'll explain how to do that below. Account

Head on over to My Account on the FitXR website, then:

  • Sign in using the details you used to create your account

  • Select "Membership"

  • Then, beneath whichever plan you have active, select "Cancel"

    • There's a screenshot of what this will look like below.

This will be an immediate cancellation, which will come into effect at the close of your next billing period.

Meta Quest mobile app

After opening the Meta Quest app, follow these steps:

  • Select Menu in the bottom right corner

  • Tap on the green Settings tile

  • Choose Subscriptions from the list of options

  • Tap on your FitXR subscription

  • Select cancel from the bottom of the screen

If you don't see FitXR listed in your subscriptions, it should mean you've not yet activated one. If you'd like us to check that for you, you can contact our support team.

For any other trouble with your cancellation, you can use this link to contact Meta Support from your web browser.

Pico VR mobile app

After opening the Pico VR mobile app, follow these steps:

  • Select Menu in the bottom right corner

  • Tap on Subscriptions

  • Choose the FitXR subscription

  • At the bottom of the screen you'll see the option to cancel

As with Meta, if you don't see the FitXR app listed under your subscriptions then it's likely you haven't activated one just yet. We'd be more than happy to check that on our side for you, just contact our support team.

For any other issues with cancelling your membership, head to the Pico website and use the envelope icon in the bottom right to open a ticket.

Important note about cancellations

On all platforms you'll need to cancel your membership at least 24 hours before the end of your free trial (or the next billing date) to avoid any charges. Once cancelled, your membership will run until the last day of your current enrolment.

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