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How do I set up a multiplayer session?
Updated over a year ago

If you’d like to workout with your friends, then you’ll just need to create a private multiplayer class. Before we get started with the guide, we have an important note about multiplayer:

  • All users taking part in the class will need to have access to the workout you're trying to do. That means if you're a member, trying to host a multiplayer class for a newly released workout, the people you're inviting will also likely need to be members (unless we've given the same class to our Legacy users as one of their free classes).

Choose the class you want to take, then select "Start multiplayer class"

After you've chosen the workout you want to host, you can use the third option along on the class details screen to move yourself to a multiplayer lobby.


As a side note here: We don't currently support Warm Up and Cool Down sessions for multiplayer.

Sharing your room code or inviting friends

After you've joined the multiplayer lobby you can either share a room code (all platforms), or use an invite link (Meta only):

Sharing a room code - In the bottom left of the lobby you'll see a room code. You'll need to remove your Quest headset, and send the code provided to whoever you want to workout with - up to 6 people can join you , for a total of 7 in the class.

This system is universal, so you can share your code with friends on both Pico and Meta devices and all workout together (providing you have access to the same content).

Invite Friends button - This is a Meta exclusive feature, but if the person you'd like to work out with is already on your Meta friends list, you can invite them directly from the lobby. To do that, click the Invite Friends option in the lower middle of the lobby. You'll then be shown a popup with your Meta friends, and can send them an invite from there.


When you're ready to go 🏃

Whichever method you use, as soon as you're all set to get started and everyone in your lobby has pressed "Start Class", your workout will begin.

When you're done

Once you’ve finished your workout and viewed your results, pressing ‘Continue’ will end your multiplayer class.

Important note: Any class preferences the host has set (environment, squat settings, etc) will apply to all players - so make sure you chat to your team before playing to make sure everyone is comfortable!

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