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How do I navigate the Home View?
Updated over a year ago

Our Home View comes in two varieties: Member View and Legacy View.

Member View

If you're a FitXR subscriber, then your Home View will look something like this:


From here you'll have quick access to our newest classes, as well as Collections, recommended content for you, our spotlight or featured class, and more.

In VR, this view is slightly curved toward you - so that the content is all roughly the same distance from your eyes as you're turning your head to view it. But the image above shows it all laid out flat.

Explore Tab & Legacy View

At the bottom of the Member View, you'll see the Explore tab. This tab will direct you to our previous Home View, which now serves as the basis of the Legacy View too. If you navigate to the Explore tab as a member, your experience here will differ slightly - but only because you'll have access to some newer features that Legacy Users don't.

For our Legacy player base, following feedback from the community, we know that the subscription model of our Membership may not appeal to you - and to be reminded of it in every interaction isn't a good user experience. So, entering this view as a Legacy User will minimise mention of subscription, and gives you the option to remove all Member content using the "All Classes" tab in the top left.


The "All classes" toggle will either show or hide member content, depending on whether you have this toggled on or off. Toggling it on (when the icon is highlighted) will then show you member content - which can only be accessed with a subscription.

Both versions of this View will allow you to filter your workouts using the Filter Bar located above your class tiles, and you can chose to filter by:

  • Studio

  • Difficulty

  • Duration

  • Music Genre

  • Trainer

The other major thing missing for Legacy Users will be Collections. You can read more about what those are in this article.

Why don't Legacy users see Collections?

This is a conscious decision on our part, and we feel it provides the best user experience for the time being. At the moment, all of our Collections are made up of members only classes. This means that if we were to feature it on the Legacy Home View - it would only be a window into content that you're not able to use.

When we were testing it out, this just felt like a blatant "upsell" pitch, and that's not what we want for our Legacy users. It's possible that in future we do add Collections made up of Legacy classes - so we're not ruling out adding the feature further down the line.

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