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How do I opt-in to the FitXR newsletter?
Updated over a year ago

You can opt-in to Marketing from the Settings of your FitXR VR app.

You'll be asked whether you'd like to receive Marketing emails during your profile creation, but if you need to opt-in later that's not a problem at all.

All you need to do is head to the Settings tab in the bottom right of your Home View (this is in the same spot for both Member View and Legacy View).


From there, select the Profile option on the left side. You'll see the option to opt-in (or out) on the Profile settings as below.


What marketing am I opting into?

We try not too send too many emails, but you can expect to receive the following from us:

  • A weekly class schedule to let you know what classes are being released in the coming week

  • App update notifications to confirm what our updates include, usually once per month

  • Information on events, competitions, surveys, and special campaigns we're celebrating in the app

How do I opt-out of marketing?

You can opt-out of Marketing by following the same steps as above, but unchecking the relevant box and then saving your changes.

If you no longer have access to your FitXR account, you can opt out using this link.

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