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New Update: Where are the avatars?
Updated over 6 months ago

The community avatars, or Ghosts as we call them, as well as the leaderboards are still very much a part of FitXR.

With the update, we had to make the decision to erase the old Ghost data. Your score data is safe, we're just working through converting that to our new scoring system - so it'll be live in the next couple of days. But a lot of the Ghosts were corrupted, which is why you'd occasionally see people facing the wrong way or sinking through the floor, etc. We found that trying to salvage the parts that weren't would have taken more time and resource than we had available.

So now, as you're taking classes, you're creating brand new Ghosts. The more classes you take, and the more classes that are taken by the rest of our community, the more Ghosts will be created - and the more populated your classes will become.

Sorry for any confusion or concern caused, but you'll be back in the same community style classes you're used to before you know it.

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