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Connect with API + Advertising API
Connect with API + Advertising API

Connect sales account and connect advertising API

Updated over 2 months ago

Within FiveX it is possible to create a direct link with This direct link provides all the insights needed to run the business well.

In this article I show:

  1. How to create a new link with a sales account.

  2. How to add Advertising APIs.

  3. How to change the API keys of an existing link.

To add a new link:

Settings > API Links > Add Sales Channel [green button] > Logo

If all steps are completed correctly, we arrive at this screen.

If we click on the blue text ' API settings' we will be taken directly to the correct page within the portal.

NOTE: Make sure you are logged into the desired sales account from

Enter the shop name and sales number in the top two fields in FiveX.

Can we cut and paste the API Keys to the appropriate fields in FiveX

NOTE: Make sure no space is included during copying.

Perform Steps 1 & 2 to create the full link. As described in the picture below. Colors indicate which keys should be entered in which fields

By pressing 'show secret' the Client secret appears in a pop-up.

When all fields are filled in press link. And the shop is successfully linked.

How to change the API keys of an existing link

Go to > settings > API connections > click on the desired sales account > API configuration

When all steps have been performed you will see this screen.

Press API keys [grey button].

Here the same field appears as when you want to link a new API described at: Add a new API connection:

Then perform the steps as described above.

When all fields are completed the connection is successful.

For other questions please feel free to contact us via the intercom.

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